Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat dan aplikasi Teknologi

Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat dan aplikasi Teknologi, ISSN: 2828-5980 (online), published online twice a year and managed by the Department of Industrial Engineering, Adhi Tama Institute of Technology Surabaya. This journal publishes papers on the outcomes of community service, empowerment, and the application of technology to enhance business capacity and community welfare in Indonesia. Adipati Journal focuses on the areas of:

  • community services,
  • technology diffusion,
  • application of science and technology, and
  • empowerment of micro, small, and medium-scale businesses to improve the welfare of productive communities and industrial development, particularly in Indonesia.

Journal title
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat dan aplikasi Teknologi
2 issues per year
2828-5980 (online)
Anindya Rachma Dwicahyani
LPPM Institut Teknologi Adhi Tama Surabaya
Dimensions | CrossRef | Google Scholar | Garuda | 

Starting from Vol. 03, 2024, Adipati Journal publishes twice a year in March and October. Author should learn and follow the Author Guidelines and the manuscript should be prepared according to Adipati Journal Template.

Upcoming issue: Vol. 04 No. 01, 2025 (March 2025)
Deadline for article submissions: 10 February 2025

Submit your manuscript via this link (make sure you have an account on this journal by going to login page, or else, go to register page).

For further inquiries, please contact our editor-in-chief using WhatsApp here.



Important Announcement: Jurnal ADIPATI Achieves SINTA 4 Accreditation!

Jurnal ADIPATI has officially achieved SINTA 4 accreditation (Vol. 1 No. 2, 2022 – Vol. 6 No. 1, 2027). We sincerely thank our authors and reviewers for their contributions and invite researchers to continue submitting high-quality manuscripts.  
Posted: 2025-03-21 More...

Important Announcement: Open Access Publication Fees in Jurnal ADIPATI

New policy regarding the Article Publishing Charge (APC) for the open access publication of Jurnal ADIPATI.  
Posted: 2025-02-20 More...

Vol 3, No 2 (2024)

The second issue of the third volume of the Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat dan aplikasi Teknologi (Adipati) was published online on November 2024. This issue includes five articles regarding community service and the application of technology in Indonesia.

Table of Contents

Supporting Documents



Nely Ana Mufarida, Sofia Ariyani, Amri Gunasti, Asroful Abidin, Abdullah Robeid Soleh
Chindy Elsanna Revadi, Fadylla Ramadhani P Nasution, Ahmad Shalihin, Tania Alda
Santoso Santoso, Ratna Hartayu, Balok Hariadi, Kukuh Stiadjit, Aris Heri Andriawan, Ahmad Ridho’i
Ni Luh Putu Hariastuti, Evi Yuliawati, Lukmandono Lukmandono, Suparto Suparto, Hastawati Chrisna Suroso, Suparjo Suparjo, Suhartini Suhartini, Rony Prabowo, Gatot Basuki Hari Mukti, Anindya Rachma Dwicahyani, Yoniv Erdhianto, Ali Sulthon
Sofia Debi Puspa, Joko Riyono, Christina Eni Pujiastuti, Fani Puspitasari