Focus and Scope
Journal of Community Service and Technology Applications (Adipati) is a national journal managed by the Department of Industrial Engineering under LPPM, Adhi Tama Surabaya Institute of Technology (ITATS). ADIPATI Journal focuses on the areas of:
- Community services
- Technology diffusion
- Application of science and technology of a research outputs
- Any other related subjects to improve the welfare of productive communities and industrial development in Indonesia.
ADIPATI Journal is indexed by Google Scholar and GARUDA, with Mendeley as reference manager, and Turnitin as Plagiarism Checker.
ISSN 2828-5980
Section Policies
Supporting Documents
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Peer Review Process
The review process was carried out by the Adipati Journal review team via the OJS portal The review procedure of the Adipati Journal follows a single-blind review process. The review process takes a maximum of 2 weeks. The results of the review will be submitted by the editor to the author after the review process is complete.
A review of the article manuscript is carried out on based on the Adipati Journal review form, which evaluates various components, including the suitability to the scope of Adipati Journal, the contribution and novelty of the article, the quality of writing in each section of the manuscript, such as the title, abstract, introduction, methodology, result and discussion, conclusions, and up-to-date references and citations, as well as the conformity with the Adipati Journal template, .
Four decisions can be recommended based on the review result:
- Accepted: The manuscript is accepted without revision and will be processed for publication.
- Accepted with Minor Revisions: The manuscript has been accepted but requires minor revisions before being processed for publication.
- Accepted with Major Revisions: Manuscripts are accepted but require major revisions before being processed for publication.
- Rejected: The manuscript is rejected because it contains too many weaknesses to be published or does not match the scientific field and topic of the Adipati Journal.
Additional information on the review process's ethical considerations can be found in the Publication Ethics section.
Publication Frequency
Jurnal Adipati publishes two issue numbers in one volume per year. Starting from Vol. 3, 2024, Jurnal Adipati will be published in March and October.
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. Starting from Vol. 4 No. 1 2025, ADIPATI Journal will charge the following author publication fees for the open access publication.
Article Publication Fees: Rp 250,000 (IDR)
Once a submission is accepted for publication, the authors are required to pay the Article Publication Fee to cover the manuscript processing costs. The article will be published once the payment has been completed. The invoice will be sent along with the Letter of Acceptance (LoA) for the manuscript.
Publication Ethics
The publication ethics employed by Adipati Journal are based on the fulfilment of the following principles:
Prevention— Early identification and disclosure of possible ethical concerns using either automatic or manual examinations of peer review and manuscript.
Neutrality— To ensure fairness and objectivity, it is important to make judgments and fix any inaccuracies in the literature as needed.
Transparency—Ensure that all stakeholders are kept informed whenever feasible and suitable and allow them sufficient time to respond.
Consistency— Ensuring adherence to established standards for investigating issues and determining the relevance of policies.
The following are the terms and ethical guidelines for all stakeholders, including editors, reviewers, and authors, who participate in Adipati Journal publishing.
1. Responsibilities of Editors
The editor of the Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat dan aplikasi Teknologi (Adipati) can judge which manuscripts will be published in the Adipati Journal. The editor's actions can be influenced by the policy set by the editorial board and limited by the legal obligations of defamation, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Editors can engage in discussions with other editors or reviewers while making this decision.
- Fairness: The editors will assess the papers based on their intellectual content without considering the author's race, sex, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, nationality, or political philosophy.
- Confidentiality: The editorial board member must refrain from disclosing any information regarding a submitted article to anybody other than the corresponding author, reviewers, potential reviewers, other editorial advisors, and the publisher, as deemed appropriate.
- Conflict of interest: The editor cannot utilize the unpublished materials in a submitted manuscript for their research unless they obtain explicit written permission from the author.
Reviewers are responsible for evaluating the manuscript's contents and making recommendations for decisions regarding the manuscript. The review procedure of the Adipati Journal follows a single-blind review process, as stated in the description of the peer-review process. Reviewers evaluate manuscripts based on the Adipati Journal review form, which evaluates various components, including the suitability to the scope of Adipati Journal, the contribution and novelty of the article, the compatibility of the manuscript with the Adipati Journal template, and the quality of writing in each section of the manuscript, such as the title, abstract, introduction, methodology, result and discussion, conclusions, and references.
- Contribution to Editorial Decisions: The review process facilitates the editors' decision-making process regarding manuscript submission and improves the quality of the manuscript through effective communication between the editor and the author.
- Punctuality: Suppose any chosen reviewer feels inadequate to assess the article or is aware they cannot provide a timely evaluation. In that case, they should inform the editor and withdraw from the review process by declining the request.
- Confidentiality: Every manuscript accepted for review must be regarded as confidential. It must not be shown or deliberated upon by anyone else unless authorized by the editor.
- Standards of Objectivity: The review should be handled with fairness. The reviewer is not permitted to make personal judgments on the author. Reviewers are required to present the review result transparently, accompanied by substantiating arguments.
- Conflict of Interest: The reviewer must obtain written permission from the author before using any unpublished material from the manuscript for their research. Any special information and ideas acquired through a review process should be maintained confidential, and they should not be utilized for personal objectives. Reviewers must exclude manuscripts that present a conflict of interest arising from a competing, collaborative, or other relationship with one of the authors or a company associated with the work.
- Reporting Standard: Authors should report a precise and unbiased description of their work and objectively evaluate its importance and impact on various populations. The manuscript should provide ample specific information and references that enable others to develop further. False or intentionally inaccurate statements are considered unethical and are not acceptable.
- Originality, Plagiarism, and Acknowledgment of Source: The authors must ensure that their works are entirely original. Proper acknowledgement of the work of others must always be given. Authors should cite publications that have been influential in determining the nature of the reported work. The citation should be written according to the APA writing styles in the Author Guidelines. The manuscript must be prepared and meet the similarity check requirements, with a maximum permitted similarity index of 20% (by Turnitin).
- Multiple, Redundant or Concurrent Publication: It is generally not advisable for an author to publish articles describing the same study in more than one journal or primary publication. Engaging in the simultaneous submission of a manuscript to multiple journals is considered unethical and is not permissible in the realm of publishing.
- Authorship of the Paper: Authorship should only be attributed to individuals who have made a substantial contribution to the conception, design, implementation, or interpretation of the study being reported. Including all individuals who have made substantial contributions as co-authors is necessary. If other individuals have participated in specific substantial areas of the research endeavour, they should be recognized or included as contributors. The primary author must guarantee that all suitable co-authors are included in the work while ensuring that no unsuitable co-authors are included. Additionally, all co-authors must review and endorse the final version of the manuscript and provide consent for its submission for publication.
- Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest: Authors are required to publicly declare any financial or other significant conflicts of interest in their submission that could potentially impact the findings or interpretation of their work. Full disclosure is required regarding all sources of financial funding for the project, which can be disclosed in the acknowledgement section in the paper.
- Fundamental errors in published work: Upon discovering a substantial error or inaccuracy in their published work, authors have a responsibility to promptly inform the journal editor or publisher and collaborate with the editor to retract or revise the manuscript.