Mifta Aviatul Khotimah, Sulis Setiyo Rini, Dian Yanuarita Purwaningsih


Acetic anhydride is a chemical compound in the form of a colourless liquid and has a purity level of 98 - 99% with the molecular formula ((CH3CO)2O). There are several uses for acid anhydride. Firstly, acid anhydride is used as a solvent for organic compounds, fungicides and bactericides. Secondly, it plays a role in the acetylation process. Thirdly acid anhydride is used as the manufacture of aspirin and acetyl morphine. Lastly acid anhydride is used in the cellulose acetate industry as a producer of acetate fibres, plastic fibre fabrics and coatings. Anhydride is also often used in the detergent industry, pharmaceutical industry, metal polishing industry, and perfume auxiliaries. In Indonesia, the need for acid anhydride can be met by importing from several countries. This can be used as an opportunity for the construction of anhydride acid plants in Indonesia to reduce imports and utilise existing resources in Indonesia. In addition, the number of unemployment can be reduced with the presence of an acid anhydride plant in Indonesia. Acetic anhydride can be made using the ketene process. The ketene process is reacting acetic acid and ketene gas using a bubble reactor. The output of the reactor is continued in the distillation process to purify the acetic anhydride product. This ketene process was chosen because the ketene process is favourable in terms of energy, economy, and products produced. From the economic calculation, the researcher obtained the result that the payback period was 2.9 years after the plant was established. The rate of return on capital is 35.12%, and the break-even point is 34.61%. Based on the economic analysis, the acetic anhydride plant with ketene process is feasible to be established.


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