Perhitungan Cadangan Batubara menggunakan Metode Geolistrik Di Desa Bakungan, Kec. Loa Kulu, Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara, Kalimantan Timur

Hendra - Santoso, Jusfarida Jusfarida


Coal is a solid hydrocarbon rock formed from plants in an oxygen-free environment which undergoes chemical changes and a metamorphosis process under the influence of pressure and heat lasted a very long time. The method used is the Geoelectric method, this method works by injecting electric current into the earth through a pair of iron electrodes. The data obtained is in the form of current strength (I) and potential difference (∆V), with current strength and potential difference data calculated to obtain the rho value (ρ) or resistivity value in the rock. Resistivity values are greatly influenced by the physical properties of rocks below the earth's surface, so they can be used to interpret the existence of rock layers below the earth's surface, including coal seams, including their geometric shape, distribution and depth. Based on geoelectric analysis, it was found that there are 4 groups of resistivity values; low resistivity, medium resistivity, high resistivity and very high resistivity. Low resistivity has a resistivity value range of <10 Ohm.m which is included in this group is thought to be layers of clay, mudstone, carbonaceous mudstone, shale, silt and marl. Medium resistivity has a resistivity value range of between 10 – 75 ohm.m. This group is thought to be layers of alluvium (wet), sandy mudstone, fine sandstone, coarse sandstone (wet) and coal. High resistivity has a resistivity value range of 75 – 250 Ohm.m. This group is thought to be soil, loose sand layers (dry), fine sandstone (dry).

Keywords: Coal, Geoelectricity, Reserve Calculation, Bakungan Village


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