Sistem Informasi Point Of Sale (POS) Penjualan Pada Kedai Qoff.Coffe Berbasis Web
The culinary business is always available in every region both on a small and large scale. The culinary industry based on food and beverages is said to be a business with high potential. In this study using qualitative research methods. Qualitative research is descriptive research and tends to use analysis. Process and meaning (subject perspective) are more highlighted in qualitative research. The theoretical foundation is used as a guide so that the focus of the research is in accordance with the facts in the field. In addition, this theoretical basis is also useful for providing an overview of the research background and as a discussion of research results. There is a fundamental difference between the role of the theoretical basis in quantitative research and qualitative research. In quantitative research, research departs from theoretical data, and ends in acceptance or rejection of the theory used while in qualitative research the researcher departs from the data, utilizes existing theory as explanatory material, and ends with a "theory" The results showed that this information system can be used as a guide to relate to recording goods services to customers and the existence of a system in the warehouse can help to ease the performance of recording employee data, recording customer data, the number of stock items, the number of transactions that can be viewed by date and can make it easier for employees to make recording reports.
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