Nelly Khairani Daulay, Resha Purnama Sari, Asep Toyib Hidayat, Phito Prima Sanjaya, Anisya Apriliana


Information technology (IT) has been applied to various sectors, including industry, government, education and health. However, technological sophistication is also accompanied by threats in terms of data security. For this reason, a system is needed that can secure the data, where attacks on data often occur from networks connected to the internet. The world of education today is also very dependent on technological sophistication, especially in data storage. One that utilizes this technology is SMPN I Muara Kelingi. The problem currently faced is the lack of a data security system on the Dapodik Server at SMPN I Muara Kelingi. The attack that can attack the network is in the form of a sniffing attack. The purpose of making this system is so that the data or information contained in the system cannot be accessed by unauthorized persons and to prevent damage to the system. By using the Security Policy Development Life Cycle (SPDLC) and using Snort as a tool to detect packet sniffing attacks, the school can quickly detect attacks that occur on the school Dapodik Server.


Network Security, SPDLC, Snort, Dapodik Server, Sniffing.

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