Nelly Khairani Daulay, Dani Raisman Raisman, Refdi Andri Andri


The development of information technology, especially computer networks, allows the exchange of information that is easy, fast, and increasingly complex. Computer network security must be considered in order to maintain the validity and integrity of data and information residing in the computer network. The problem that arises in the CCTV control center is that there is no security against the detection of attacks that can occur at any time, for example a ping flood attack. Ping flood itself can be interpreted as a simple denial of service attack in which the attacker floods the victim with "echo request" (ping) packets in the ICMP protocol. To overcome the problems faced by the Lubuklinggau City Police control center in carrying out CCTV server security, the solution offered is to build an Intrusion Detection Server (IDS). IDS itself can read incoming and outgoing data packets automatically which will provide a report (log) to the network administrator. One of the most widely used IDS tools is Snort. Snort has several advantages compared to other IDS software, including source code that is small in size, compatible with many operating systems, fast in detecting network attacks, easy to configure and is open source.


Network security, IDS, Snort

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