Automatic Hand Washer and Dryer Using an Ultrasonic Sensor Based on the ATMega 8535 Microcontroller

Wildan Agung Pambudi, Abdullah Affandi


Washing your hands is the most important thing in life. For everyone, washing hands is an action that will not be missed at any time. Because it is self-protection against the external environment. There are two ways to wash your hands, namely manually and automatically. Manual hand washing is done by turning the water tap and removing the soap from the container. The washing process is very ineffective so we need a hand washing machine that can wash hands without turning the tap, without manually removing soap and can dry hands automatically. This automatic hand washer and dryer uses a solenoid valve, DC motor and hand dryer. The solenoid valve functions as a faucet to automatically release water, the DC motor as a pump to dispense soap and the hand dryer as a hand dryer. The controller of this automatic hand washing and drying machine uses an ATmega 8535 microcontroller. Object detection is carried out by an ultrasonic sensor. Automatic washing and drying of hands takes less time than manual washing. Manual hand washing and drying takes between 65 – 70 seconds, while automated hand washing and drying only takes 55 – 60 seconds.


Automatic, Manual, Ultrasonic Sensor, Washing and Drying Sensor

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