Application of Fuzzy for the Electric Salt Making Equipment Heating System

Wildan Agung Pambudi, Abdul Wajid


Indonesia is a tropical country with two types of seasons, namely dry and rainy. Seasons greatly influence the development of salt which has an impact on Indonesian agriculture, especially salt farmers. Salt is an agricultural product that is prone to problems due to heavy rain. Therefore, salt must be produced electrically, which is independent of climate. This research aims to solve this problem with a fuzzy temperature control system on an electric salt producing machine using an ATmega 8535 microcontroller. Based on testing, the mist system can regulate the temperature between 59°C to 62°C. The process of making electronic salt takes 8 hours to turn into salt and the initial weight is 1000 grams to 561 grams. The electronic salt production process can shorten 64 hours compared to natural salt.


Sistem Pemanas, Sistem Perebusan Garam/Air Laut, Fuzzy logic, Mikrokontroler ATMEGA 8535

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