Surya Adi Setyawan


Swing belongs to a device which can create convenience to a baby. This research designed a swing controlled by PID system through gain scheduling method which was employed to regulate the speed of swing motor and it had been equipped with load cell sensor for reading the baby’s weight. The result of sensor reading of load cell was then sent to microcontroller supported by HX711 signal conditioning. The microcontroller in this research served for processing input set point and output containing PID control algorithm. PID output consisted of PWM values connected to the driver of DC motor. The swing would move when it read baby’s weight and would stop when the baby’s weight exceeded the limit. This sort of swing utilized load cell sensor and rotary encoder.After carrying out 10 trials, the load cell sensor could detect the baby’s weights of 1 kg, 1.5 kg, 2 kg, 2.5 kg, 3 kg, 4 kg, and 5 kg and the microcontroller could run the instruction to move motor that had been previously ordered around 50-55 RPM. Overall, the success gained 97.5% and the time required for swinging the baby box was averagely 40 seconds.


Convenience, Baby, Swing, Motor, Load cell, PID

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