Bernado Dacosta Ximenez, Salman Alfarisi, Wahyu Setyo Budi


Feeding fish belongs to a vital matter in fish cultivation. Unfortunately, many people are still carrying out it manually and more rely on the man power. For this reason, the researcher developed a device for automatic fish feeding based on time. Thus, this tool is intended for assisting human work in feeding fish by using Arduino uno as the control centre of system, solenoide as the opener-closer of food place, load cell sensor as the ballast to weigh food in the place, and real time clock IC DS1307 as the feeding time regulator. The time and date were displayed on LCD 16×4. The results of research yielded the schedule for feeding fish three times a day set by RTC as the system timer in WIBs (Waktu Indonesia Barat or West Indonesian Time i.e. at 06.00 WIB, 12.00 WIB, and 18.00 WIB. This schedule system arranged automatic fish feeding for 4 days, 3 times per day. Within 4 days, the system could feed the fish 10 times successful and twice failed. These failures occurred due to RTC errors in reading the time on the day 4. Thus, the system could feed fish having maximum 5 grams food weight based on the schedule that had been set. This system is expected to be beneficial for fish feeding process. In conclusion, based on the feeding schedule three times a day for 4 days, 10 out of 12 trials or 83% were successful, while 2 trials or 41.5% were unsuccessful. Accordingly, the fish feeding tool was fruitful and applicable for fish aquarium.


Aquarium, automatic fish feeding, Arduino R3, RTC, Load Cell

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