Design and Analysis of On Grid Solar Power Plant at CV. Sinar Gemilang

Wildan Agung Pambudi, Mohammad Adli Setiawan


Indonesia is a tropical area with abundant sunlight, but as time goes by, Indonesia's population is increasing. Due to the increasing population of Indonesia, the consumption of electrical energy has also increased. In this study, to design a solar power generation system that is connected to the electricity grid, it uses HelioScope simulations at CV Sinar Gemilang to analyze the feasibility of a cost. From the results of the analysis, the initial investment cost required for the Solar Power Plant system is Rp. 835,557,218.56 and maintenance operating costs of Rp. 12,533,358.28. Meanwhile, the cost of energy (COE) is Rp. 1,366.55/kWh for Solar Power Plants is cheaper than using PLN which is Rp. 2,354.38/kWh.


Solar Panels;HelioScope; On-Grid

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