Arif Setyo Nugroho


This study aims to support efforts to reduce carbon monoxide (CO) from vehicle exhaust gases. This effort is done by testing exhaust gases by comparing the use of pertalite and pertalite fuels mixed with 5% ethanol volume. And compare the exhaust fitted with copper and without using copper. Copper in the form of a plate shaped like a honeycomb. The test uses a four-stroke 125 CC two-wheeled motor vehicle. To determine the effectiveness of the use of fuel and copper, emission testing is carried out. reduction of CO gas levels from the use of a mixture of pertalite and CAMPURAN PERTALIT + ETANOL 5%.  fuel with standard exhaust and copper-fitted exhaust. From these data, the use of pertalite fuel at 9000 rpm produces the highest CO content of 4.97%. The addition of ethanol in the fuel mixture makes less CO gas levels, this happens because with ethanol which has a higher octane value than pertalite, which is 91-105, it makes combustion occur faster and combustion is more complete so that it can reduce CO gas levels in gas emissions. throw away . In addition, the oxygen content in ethanol can also reduce CO.


Carbon monoxide; copper ; fuel ; emission; ethanol.

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