Evaluasi Kinerja Pengolahan Limbah Cair Domestik dengan Proses Lumpur Aktif Pada PT. X

M.Naufal Ath Thoriq, Achmad Chusnun Ni’am



The oil and gas industry, apart from producing production waste, also generates domestic waste. This domestic waste originates from activities in employee dormitories and office spaces, including bathroom discharges, kitchen wastewater, and laundry runoff. The primary characteristics of domestic wastewater include pollutant levels such as BOD, COD, suspended solids (TSS), ammonia (〖NH〗_3), and a small amount of oil and grease. The domestic wastewater treatment unit employing an activated sludge process at PT. X consists of a bar screen, aeration tank, ash tank, and settling tank or sedimentation tank. This domestic wastewater must undergo treatment before being discharged into the environment. To achieve a good quality end result, the treatment unit must operate optimally. At PT. X, the domestic wastewater treatment using the activated sludge process faces issues in its settling tank, where the sedimentation of microorganisms does not proceed smoothly. The addition of plate settlers to the settling tank is recommended, as it can enhance the efficiency of the sedimentation process by providing a larger surface area for solid particles to settle."


Domestic wastewater, activated sludge process, Settling Tank, Plate

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