Aplikasi Metode APLIS Untuk Pemetaan Kerentanan Airtanah Terhadap Pencemaran Pada Kawasan Karst Kecamatan Ujung Pangkah, Kabupaten Gresik

Dicki Chandra Dinata, Hendra Bahar, Sapto Heru Yuwanto


Groundwater is one of the main water sources, with better and better quality than surface water. However, groundwater has weaknesses. If pollution occurs in the groundwater, recovery efforts are very difficult to carry out. This research aims to zone the vulnerability of groundwater in a karst area in Ujung Pangkah District, Gresik Regency, and in this karst area there are mining activities that can damage the water source ecosystem in the karst area. This research uses the APLIS method, namely A (altitude), P (pendiete), L (lithology), I (preferential infiltration), and S (suelo) which is used to measure groundwater vulnerability in the karst basin area at the research location. Based on the results of this research, it is explained that the level of groundwater vulnerability in the research area is divided into 4 (four) classifications, namely: very low (<20%), low (20% - 40%), moderate (40% - 60%), and high (60% - 80%). The area of very low to moderate groundwater vulnerability is located on the border of the karst area towards the research location. Areas with moderately karstified limestone in the karst area at the research location have high groundwater vulnerability values.

Keywords: groundwater, pollution, karst, APLIS


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