Implementasi Integrasi Metode IPA dan Kano untuk Evaluasi Kualitas Jasa Pelayanan (Studi Kasus: UPT XYZ)

Dwi Aris Setiawan, Indung Sudarso


Public services have a very significant role in our daily lives, whether public services in the form of goods, services or administration. This is no exception to the UTTP calibration service provided to customers. Poor service quality can reduce customer enthusiasm and satisfaction. Therefore, public service implementers need to evaluate service quality. This research aims to evaluate the quality of services to determine which service attributes are in a critical condition and are priorities for improvement. The integration of the IPA and Kano methods is used to classify service attributes that are in critical condition. The results of the research show that service attributes that are in a critical condition that must be prioritized for improvement are attributes that are in the Kano must be category where if they are not fulfilled they will cause customer dissatisfaction and are in quadrant I of the Cartesian diagram, meaning they have a high level of importance but low performance. These attributes are attributes that are in the fatal IPA-Kano integration category, in this case the service attributes RN2 and TA4.

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