Analisis Penggunaan Integrated Propeller and Rudder (IPR) terhadap Performa Propulsor pada Sistem Propulsi Kapal Offshore Supply Vessel

Dimas Fikton Meyla Putra, Erifive Pranatal


Offshore supply vessels operating to and from these offshore platforms transport people and/or goods in the oil and gas production process whose exploration and exploitation activities are carried out on the high seas (offshore). Seeing the busy operational activities of offshore supply vessels, good vessel performance is required. One way is to use a propeller which has added construction in the form of a torpedo between the rudder and propeller or an integrated propeller and rudder type. However, before implementation, analysis must still be carried out to obtain a propulsion system with the best efficiency. Research was carried out on propeller design with an integrated propeller and rudder type using a B4-40 propeller with a diameter of 1.298 meters and a balansir type rudder with a rudder leaf area of 3 m, a balansir area of 0.6 m2, with an IPR hub with a front diameter of 0.26 m, diameter center 0.325 m, and hub length 1.080 m with hub angle variations of 0o, 10o, 15o, 20o, 25o, 30o, 35o. The analysis was carried out by comparing propulsor performance values for thrust propulsor, torque propulsor, and propulsor efficiency. CFD test results using ANSYS software show that the tilt of the hub when using an integrated propeller and rudder affects the performance of the propulsor with a value that is not constant at each increase in the tilt angle. The highest increase in propeller efficiency at an angle of 10o is 19.66%


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