Penerapan Metode Monte Carlo untuk Menentukan Rentang Waktu Perjalanan Bus Trans Jatim
Accurate determination of the travel time span of transport is an important factor in the operational management of public transportation naval forces, such as Transport Trans Jatim. This study applies the Monte Carlo method to analyze the travel time of transport to several cities in East Java. Travel information, including travel duration, distance traveled, number of stops, and external factors such as weather and traffic conditions, are collected through field surveys and operational records. Probability distributions based on historical information are used to simulate various random travel scenarios. The simulation results show a more accurate distribution of travel time spans, which can be used as a basis for operational planning, departure scheduling, and task force management. This study proves the effectiveness of the Monte Carlo method in capturing variations in travel time caused by uncertainty, and provides practical recommendations for Transport Trans Jatim managers to improve service efficiency and passenger satisfaction.
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