Rancang Bangun Sistem Manajemen dan Penomoran Surat Berbasis Website pada PT. Catur Pilar Sejahtera (CPS)

Dimas Tri Martono, Andre Setiawan, Gusti Eka Yuliastuti


Letters are an important tool that is often used in office administration, companies and agencies. An example of a form of correspondence is the management of documents, both incoming and outgoing letters. Mail management is the activity of managing mail and recording important documents, its main function and purpose is used to facilitate administrative work, save time, be accurate and more efficient in document search. PT. Catur Pilar Sejahtera (CPS) is a manufacturing company that produces various types of quality bags. To improve work performance, especially in the administration section, management is needed in the form of a system that can be used to store important company documents so that the risk of physical damage and data loss does not occur. The main purpose of creating a management system and letter numbering is to help ease administration and save time and be more efficient in managing company data. The method used in building this system is the prototype method, because this method can determine whether or not the system requirements are lacking, because customers can also find out the flow of the system design.


Sistem, Surat, Manajemen

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