Pembuatan Program Management Gudang

Mohammad Fahry Sholahuddin, Bagus Nur Ramadani, Aldo Bimantara Putra Perdana, Septiawan Rosetya Wardhana


PT. Dwi Tunggal Putra requires a program that can record incoming and outgoing activities of goods in the warehouse. so that between the warehouse admin and field technicians can know each other the number of items in the warehouse, therefore the occurrence of differences in the stock of goods in the warehouse can be avoided. The research method used is the waterfall method. The waterfall model was created in 1970 and is an example of a software development methodology that doesn't work well. The stages of the waterfall method are as follows: Requirements analysis, system design, integration and testing, operation and maintenance Based on the results of a one-week trial at PT. Dwi Tunggal Putra can be concluded that by using this system the process of collecting data on goods in the warehouse becomes very easy.Based on the results of a one-week trial at the company PT. Dwi Tunggal Putra can be concluded by using this system the process of collecting data on goods in the warehouse becomes very easy, so that there is no difference between the goods in the warehouse and the records in the warehouse admin. Because the technician and the warehouse admin can know each other the list of items available in the warehouse.


Sistem Menejemen Gudang, Java, Waterfall

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