Dampak Tumpang Tindih Keberadaan BRT Trans-Jateng (Mangkang -Weleri) terhadap Angkutan Umum Daerah di Kabupaten Kendal

Sri Rejeki Laku Utami, Adib Wahyu Hidayat, Achmad Shochih, Yeni Selfia


Transportation is a transfer from one place to another with a mode of transportation both land, sea and air. Public transportation is a mode of public service transportation that has a function in providing transportation services in the form of passenger comfort, very affordable fares and a sense of security for public transportation passengers.. This study was conducted to determine the overlap of the existence of BRT Trans Jateng (Mangkang-Weleri) on Regional Public Transportation in Kendal Regency as a solution or alternative policy that can be done to overcome the impact of the overlap. In this study using quantitative methods with observation techniques in the field, interview methods, questionnaires and documentation. The result of this study is the analysis of data that has been conducted field observations as well as the dissemination of questionnaires on the situation of BRT Trans Jateng passengers (Makang –Weleri) as a descriptive analysis. The results of this research data analysis showed the impact of overlap in BRT Trans Jateng (Mangkang-Weleri) on Regional Public Transportation in Kendal by 54.2%. Some alternative policies that can be done to reduce the impact of overlap such as scheduling the departure of public transportation BRT Trans Jateng (Mangkang-Weleri) can be conditioned with regional public transportation. In addition, there is a cooperation between the Provincial Government of Central Java and The Government of Kendal and the owner of AUD (Regional Public Transport) in Kendal Regency related to the departure schedule of the BRT Trans-Jateng (Mangkang-Weleri) bus fleet with Regional Public Transport.


Overlapping, Trans Central Java BRT (Mangkang-Weleri), Regional Public Transport.

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