Perencanaan Estimasi Biaya K3 pada Proyek Pembangunan Kantor di Surabaya

Syaiful Anam, Jenny Caroline


Every construction work must have a big influence on work accidents. Occupational safety and health (K3) issues in construction services in general are often ignored. This shows the number of work accidents in this sector. Facts in the field of occupational safety and health (K3) implementation are still rarely done, because it only takes away time, first, it costs quite a lot for K3 needs. Therefore, this research will examine the planning of the Estimated Cost of Risk Prevention and OHS Supervision Costs in Office Construction Projects in Surabaya. The method used is making direct observations in the field, identifying accidents in the field, analyzing each sub-job in fulfilling K3 needs, interviews, officers and taking documentation in the field. From this research obtained for the cost (K3) Rp. 51,975,000, - and for the contract fee is Rp. 3,250,336,000, - so the percentage is 1.62%. The K3 needs evaluation plan is carried out using SNI and ANSI standards. The conclusion that can be drawn is that the OSH costs do not have a major effect on the overall project costs if calculated in detail, precisely with the K3 financing calculations it will be younger for companies to see the OHS costs that will be used for the Kalidami office building construction project in Surabaya.


Biaya K3, Konstruksi, Estimasi, Pekerja.

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