Proximate Analysis of Durian Bark Briquettes and Coconut Shells with Starch Adhesive Based on SNI 01-6235-2000

Gati Sri Utami, Erlinda Ningsih, Dewi Kusumaningrum


Briquettes are alternative fuels that resemble charcoal but are made or composed of non-wood materials. Alternative energy sources that can be used as a substitute for kerosene and firewood fuel are now quite expensive. Durian skin and coconut shell are inexhaustible waste, even a lot of them. For this reason, it is necessary to use this waste in order to reduce waste and have economic value. Based on this, it is necessary to conduct research on the use of durian skin and coconut shell as briquette material, which was previously carbonized and molded into briquettes with a composition of charcoal (durian skin: coconut shell) 65: 30, 60: 35, 55: 40, 50: 45, 45: 50 with 5% starch adhesive. Then a proximate analysis is carried out which includes water content, ash content, Volatile Matter, Fixed Carbon and calorific value as well as the length of burn time The results of the analysis are the moisture content is more than 8%, the ash content is more than 8%, Volatile Matter is less than 15%, Fixed Carbon is 64% - 74.9% and the calorific value is more than 5000 kcal / gr for the composition of 50: 45 and 45: 50, while the length of time of burning briquettes (28 - 53) minutes.


Briquette, Alternative Energy, Durian Skin, Coconut Shell.

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