Analisa Dampak Saluran Lindi Terhadap Lingkungan Dilihat Dari Aspek Pengelolaan TPA

Ayu Nur Fitriani Busanto, Erina Rahmadyanti


Waste problem occurs in Blitar City is the Ngegong Final Processing Site (Landfill), which only has an area of 5,095 hectares. Meanwhile, the increasing number of people will certainly lead to more and more piles of garbage. The landfill in Blitar City is now filled with around 143,700 m3 of the total capacity of 177,000 m3. Currently, it is only able to accommodate about 33,300 m3 of waste.Therefore, land expansion is needed to accommodate landfill in the next 10 years. After calculating using the geometric method, it is known that the expansion of the landfill requires an area of 1.24 hectares. At the same time, population growth in 2030 is estimated to reach 598,918 people by assuming the projected volume of landfills in 2030 is around 141.69 tonnes. Therefore,the need for waste management facilities and infrastructure in 2030 is predicted to be 25 units in the form of garbage carts accompanied by 6 units of other waste transportation fleets in the form of arm roll trucks. Subsequently, this is a common problem in the city where the handlers need side-by-side steps between the community and the government with waste at its source and preserve the 3R culture in the community.


Blitar, Land Needs, Management, Facility, Waste.

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